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000005_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Sun Oct 1 07:08:48 1995.msg
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Date: Sun, 1 Oct 1995 10:01:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Donald J. Nelson" <dnelson@nando.net>
To: LW_MailList <lightwave@mail.webcom.com>
Subject: Render to Flyer(4.07) fails
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I'm looking for an explaination for my failure to render LW animations
to the Flyer as a clip. This worked fine in the 4.04 version, ie LW
v. 3.5. Setting Record panel to anim/ Medium Res Preview/ FlyerA0:xxx etc...
The first frame renders OK, but the savvve takes severalll minutes, The
2nd frame renders to the toaster screen, but now ttthe save fails and an
error msg - Can't add frame to animfile - Abort render y/n appears.
hit n, and the render goes ahead but with no saving. hit y, and the
render stops.
In the switcher, an icon appears in the FlyerA0: directory
with the proper picture on it, but its not a clip. The Control panel calls
it a looping overlay (? - what is that ?) one frame long. If I try to
place it between two normal clips and run the board, the machine
crashes!!! Have I screwed up some settings??
If I use the v.4.04 Flyer software, there is no problem rendering to a clip.
ie, same scene etc. The drives were reformatted with the v. 4.07 Flyer
My system is:
T4000 in an A4000 Warp040, 50 Mb Ram,
with Flyer - updated board mod - and v. 4.07 software.
FA0: FB1: (2) seagate 4 Gb drive (NewTek approooved)
FA1: (1) micropolis 1991, 9 GB (")
FA3: FA4: (2) micropolis 3 Gb (not approved, but used for backup)
FC0: (1) seagate 1 Gb (audio only)
Any suggestions?
Don Nelson
"Donald J. Nelson" <dnelson@nando.net> sent this message.
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